Gallery 2011 - Ricoh GX100 |
Another year with Ricoh GX100 being my prime "timelapsing" cameras.
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2011 - 01 - 04
06:31 - 07:43 UTC (1h 12m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110104_0631-0743utc_eclipse-Praha.mpg (27 MB,
1040x720, MPEG1) Eclipse Sunrise above Prague. Partially eclipsed Sun, almost symbolically rising above the Tın Church, in which is the tomb of famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. Details of the eclipse can't be resolved in this movie, as the Sun itself is too much overexposed here. See also a zoomed photo of the partially eclipsed Sun above the Tın Church, taken with Kodak P880 camera. Captured from Letná, Praha, Czech Republic. |
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2011 - 02 - 05
06:30 - 07:15 UTC (0h 45m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 2 seconds, speed 60x 20110205_0630-0715utc_Karluv-most.mpg
(45 MB, 1280x720,
MPEG1) |
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2011 - 03 - 19
16:20 - 18:00 UTC (1h 40m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110319_1620-1800utc_Petrin.mpg (38 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20110319_1620-1800utc_Petrin.mp4 (37 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) End of a day above Prague. Captured from Petřín hill, from a viewpoint close to the Strahov Monastery. |
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2011 - 04 - 01
13:40 - 14:40 UTC (1h 00m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110401_1340-1440utc_Kacerov.mpg (23 MB, 1040x720, MPEG1) (24 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110401_1340-1440utc_Kacerov.mp4 (23 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Waves in cirrus clouds above Prague. Captured from Kačerov, Prague, Czech Republic, northward view. |
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2011 - 04 - 09
12:50 - 13:50 UTC (1h 00m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110409_1250-1350utc_Praha-IR.mpg (24 MB, 1040x720, MPEG1) 20110409_1250-1350utc_Praha-IR.mp4 (22 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Prague
in near-infrared. Experimental
timelapse series - the first half captured in standard visible light,
while the second part is captured in near-IR (using the Kenko Infrared R72
filter). The main difference between these is in the way how vegetation
is displayed. As the spectral reflectivity increases significantly at
about 0.7 microns (peaking between 0.7 to 0.8 microns), the vegetation
appears in near-IR much brighter (almost white) as compared to the
visible range. Other main difference is in the visibility of distant
clouds. Since the atmosphere is much better transparent to the longer
wavelengths, the remote clouds appear much better in the near-IR than
in the visible range. For comparison, here are two still images - in
the visible and in
the near-IR range. Captured from
Petřín hill, from a viewpoint close to the Strahov Monastery, Prague.
2011 - 04 - 09 13:40 - 14:10 UTC (0h 30m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 2 seconds, speed 60x 20110409_1340-1410utc.mpg (32 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20110409_1340-1410utc.mp4 (29 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) While "timelapsing" the above
IR sequence, a fire in the Old Town of Prague began to develop. The
smoke plume of this fire is captured here, using my older GX100 and an
experimental external timer, set to 2 second interval. Taken from the
same place as above.
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2011 - 04 - 30
11:55 - 12:55 UTC (1h 00m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110430_1155-1255utc_Libus_VIS.mpg (24 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) (29 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110430_1155-1255utc_Libus_VIS.mp4 (25 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) 20110430_1155-1255utc_Libus_IR72.mpg (25 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) (26 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110430_1155-1255utc_Libus_IR72.mp4 (25 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Shallow
convective clouds in visible and near-IR spectral bands.
Two series, captured simultaneously with my two Ricoh GX100 cameras.
The first serie is captured in the regular visible range, while the
second one in near infrared (NIR) spectral band, using the IR72 filter
(and standard, non-modified camera). The main diference between these
is much better visibility of distant clouds (low above the horizon) in
NIR, enabled by higher transparency of the haze and smog in the NIR
wavelengths. Captured from the old radar tower at Observatory Libus,
Prague, Czech Republic, northward view.
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2011 - 05 - 19
16:15 - 17:30 UTC (1h 15m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2.5 seconds, speed 75x 20110519_1615-1730utc_VIS_2.5s_Kacerov-Cb.mpg (53 MB, 1040x752, MPEG1) (55 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110519_1615-1730utc_VIS_2.5s_Kacerov-Cb.mp4 (56 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / MPEG-4) and 15:55 - 17:30 UTC (1h 35m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110519_1555-1730utc_IR72_5s_Kacerov-Cb.mpg (39 MB, 1040x752, MPEG1) (31 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110519_1555-1730utc_IR72_5s_Kacerov-Cb.mp4 (36 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / MPEG-4) Evolution
of a smaller convective storm south of Prague.
Two timelapse series, showing an onset and evolution of a cumulonimbus
cloud above central Bohemia, south of Prague. The upper sequence shows
the storm in natural visible light (at 2.5 sec interval and
zoom set to 35 mm), while the bottom sequence, taken with my
second camera shows the same storm as captured in near infrared (at
5 sec interval and zoom at 28 mm). Captured from Kačerov,
Prague, Czech Republic, southward view.
See also the evolution of this storm as captured by Meteosat-8 (MSG-1) satellite at 5-minute steps (Rapid Scan Service), shown in the so-called "sandwich" RGB product (combining HRV and IR10.8 bands, product info here). Red dot in the loop indicates the location and time range of the two timelapse series above. |
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2011 - 05 - 20
16:38 - 17:20 UTC (0h 42m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2.5 seconds, speed 75x 20110520_1638-1720utc_Kacerov_outflow-Cb.mpg (35 MB, 1040x752, MPEG1) (31 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110520_1638-1720utc_Kacerov_outflow-Cb.mp4 (33 MB, 1040x752, H.264 / MPEG-4) Smaller
Cb forming on a storm
outflow boundary, generated by storms south-east of Prague. The
outflow boundary can be nicely seen in this MSG image,
while the evolution of storms which generated the outflow and the
westward propagation of the outflow boundary can be followed in this
MSG loop
(both in the IR10.8 sandwich product,
info here).
While the radar loop
in this case doesn't reveal the outflow boundary itself, it shows
nicely the storm cell captured in the timelpase movie. Red dot in the
MSG loop and the arrow in the radar loop indicate the location, time
and direction of the timelapse movie. The timelapse sequence shows
fascinating details of the storm anvil formation, namely the downward
motions at its bottom side. The lower clouds are a manifestation of the
older outflow boundary on which this cell formed, at the end of the
sequence already weakening and dissipating. MSG and radar images ©2011
CHMI and EUMETSAT. Captured from Kačerov, Prague, Czech
Republic, east to southeast view (zoom at 35 mm, external timer).
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2011 - 06 - 19
05:20 - 07:30 UTC (2h 10m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110619_0520-0730utc_Kacerov.mpg (52 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20110619_0520-0730utc_Kacerov.mp4 (49 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Post-frontal
morning. The beginning of this sequence shows mid-level
wave clouds, followed by onset of shallow convection and gradual
increase of its amount. Captured from Kačerov, Prague, Czech Republic,
northward view.
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2011 - 07 - 09
22:15 - 23:19 UTC (1h 04m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2 seconds, speed 40x 20110709_2215-2319utc_lightning-Praha4-Krc.mpg (64 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) 20110709_2215-2319utc_lightning-Praha4-Krc.mp4 (60 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Lightning show above Prague.
This timelapse movie shows an approach and passage of one of the storm
cells belonging to a mesoscale convective system (MCS), which formed
above the Central Europe on that night. As much of the lightning of
this MCS was cloud-to-ground (CG), most of the flashes were nicely
observable. Some of the flashes illuminated briefly the structures of
the storm
base, and namely the cold outflow propagating from south-west (in these
images from right to left). See also some of the still images from this
timelapse sequence: [22:49], [22:55],
and [23:04].
Captured from Kačerov, Prague, Czech Republic, southward view.
The radar loop from 22:00-23:40 UTC (with the cross indicating time and location of the timelapse sequence) shows a rather chaotic structure of this MCS, while the MSG1 satellite loop from 18:00-09:00 UTC shows the large horizontal extent of its cloud-top shield. MSG and radar imagery: © 2011 CHMI and EUMETSAT. |
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2011 - 07 - 13
18:54 - 18:57 UTC (0h 03m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2 seconds, speed 40x 20110713_1854-1857utc_MCS-CZ_Kacerov.mpg (5 MB, 960x720, MPEG1) 20110713_1854-1857utc_MCS-CZ_Kacerov.mp4 (5 MB, 960x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Bow-echo
passage above Prague.
A short timelapse movie showing a shelf cloud (gust front) on the
leading edge of a bow echo, above south parts of Prague. Despite the
very high electric activity of this mesoscale convective system (MCS),
most of the flashes were intra-cloud, thus not as nicely visible as for
the previous (09 July 2011) case. Captured from Kačerov, Prague, Czech
Republic, south-west view.
See also the corresponding radar images from 18:55 and 19:00 UTC (CZRAD PPI 0.9°, small cross indicating the location from which the timelapse sequence has been captured), radar loop for 16:00-21:00 UTC showing the evolution and passage of this MCS and namely its bow-echos above the Czech Republic, and a short radar loop from 18:40-19:15 UTC with the cross indicating time and location of the timelapse sequence. The appearance of this MCS "from above" can be seen in the MSG1 18:35 UTC satellite image (sandwich HRV & IR10.8-BT product, description here), and its evolution in the 14:00-19:00 UTC MSG1 loop (the same image product, MOV, 13MB). MSG and radar imagery: © 2011 CHMI and EUMETSAT. |
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2011 - 08 - 19
07:37 - 07:55 UTC (0h 18m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2.5 seconds, speed 75x 20110819_0737-0755utc_Libus.mpg (14 MB, 1040x720, MPEG1) (15 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / QuickTime) 20110819_0737-0755utc_Libus.mp4 (16 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) |
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2011 - 09 - 06
08:55 - 09:25 UTC (0h 30m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 1.5 seconds, speed 45x 20110906_0855-0925utc_Hochtor-Plattenkar.mpg (37 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20110906_0855-0925utc_Hochtor-Plattenkar.mp4 (38 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Wave
cloud above mountain range
east of the Hochtor Pass, at the end of Seidlwinkltal. Captured
from a
viewpoint above Fuscher Lacke on the Grossglockner
High Alpine Road, Hohe Tauern National Park, Alps,
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2011 - 09 - 06
11:00 - 11:43 UTC (0h 43m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20110906_1100-1143utc_Grossglockner.mpg (19 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) 20110906_1100-1143utc_Grossglockner.mp4 (18 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Grossglockner, the highest mountain of Austria, and Pasterze Gracier, Hohe Tauern National Park. |
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2011 - 09 - 09
13:09 - 13:37 UTC (0h 28m) Ricoh GX100, interval 1.5 seconds, speed 45x 20110909_1309-1337utc_Kaprun-Mooserboden.mpg (38 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) 20110909_1309-1337utc_Kaprun-Mooserboden.mp4 (36 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Clouds and shadows I. Mooserboden Dam Lake (Kaprun), Hohe Tauern National Park, Alps, Austria. |
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2011 - 09 - 10
12:18 - 12:52 UTC (0h 34m) Ricoh GX100, interval 2.5 seconds, speed 75x 20110910_1218-1252utc_Oedenwinkelkees.mpg (29 MB, 1080x720, MPEG1) 20110910_1218-1252utc_Oedenwinkelkees.mp4 (27 MB, 1080x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Clouds and shadows II. The Ödenwinkelkees Glacier from Rudolfshütte, Weissee, Hohe Tauern National Park, Alps, Austria. |
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2011 - 10 - 07
05:10 - 06:15 UTC (1h 05m) Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20111007_0510-0615utc_Palma-de-Mallorca.mpg (28 MB, 1040x720, MPEG1) 20111007_0510-0615utc_Palma-de-Mallorca.mp4 (26 MB, 1040x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Sunrise
above the Palma de Mallorca port and cathedral.
Besides the sunrise itself and crepuscular rays shortly before it, also
nice wave clouds (and smoke from ship engines at the other side of the
port). Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.
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2011 - 10 - 09
05:17 - 06:13 UTC (0h 56m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20111009_0517-0613utc_Mallorca_Cala-dOr_KH-waves.mpg (25 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20111009_0517-0613utc_Mallorca_Cala-dOr_KH-waves.mp4 (26 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Kelvin-Helmholtz
waves at sunrise. See also the still image showing these waves at their most
distinct stage. Captured from Cala d'Or, Mallorca, Balearic Islands,
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2011 - 10 - 13
05:10 - 05:58 UTC (0h 48m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 5 seconds, speed 150x 20111013_0510-0558utc_Mallorca_Cala-dOr.mpg (23 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20111013_0510-0558utc_Mallorca_Cala-dOr.mp4 (23 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Shallow convection at sunrise. Cala d'Or, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. |
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2011 - 10 - 14
16:24 - 16:40 UTC (0h 16m) HD 720 Ricoh GX100, interval 2 seconds, speed 60x 20111014_1624-1640utc_Cap-de-Formentor.mpg (20 MB, 1280x720, MPEG1) 20111014_1624-1640utc_Cap-de-Formentor.mp4 (20 MB, 1280x720, H.264 / MPEG-4) Sunset at Cap de Formnetor. Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. |